1. the internet is a series of pneumatic tubes that send little packages from one place to another.
  2. the internet is a series of clear plastic tubes that i, a hamster, run through every morning at 3am.
  3. the internet is a series of tubes cut to specific sizes so that when you blow air over them, music comes out.
  4. the internet is a series of YouTubes.
  5. the internet is a series of tubular waves, dude.
  6. the internet is a series of tubes that if you get both your fingers stuck in them, it's really hard to get out.
  7. the internet is a series of tubes at least as much as your brain is a series of tubes.
  8. the internet is a series of tube worms feeding at deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
  9. the internet is a series of tubes, some of which are telescopes and some of which are microscopes.
  10. the internet is a series of tubas.